CONFIDENTLY Estimate Company Valuation with This Comprehensive, 3-Statement Forecasting Model

How to Solve Complex Financials
The IFB Equity Model was created by corporate finance professional Cameron Smith, who spent countless hours studying for the CFA and CPA and knows the struggle of having to juggle many formulas and equations in attempting to understand company financials.
Knowing that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, Cameron knows how critical it is for today's analyst to have the ability to sift through the relentless barrage of data and statistics, to quickly decipher and visualize the most integral aspects of company financials in an easy way, which is why this tool was born.

Presenting the IFB Equity Model, a Complete Pre-built Spreadsheet Template for Excel:

Includes calculations for DCF (FCF Equity), GGM, Multiples, and Residential Income Valuations
Does this tool work on non-U.S. stocks such as Canada or the UK?
Yes, as long as a company has posted GAAP or IFRS compliant financials publicly, you can use that data for these models.


Frequently Asked Questions

Andrew Sather
Newsletter Provider
Sather Research, LLC
I can't emphasize enough how great this tool is. The instructions are so intuitive and easy to follow, and the FCF equity model falls right in-line with my normal DCF valuation.
Eric Lo, CFA

Extremely easy to use and it gave me the financial metrics that I need to evaluate companies. Amazing!

A Complete Solution
Fully Integrated 3-statement forecast and valuation model
Essential for Forecasting
Automated 10 year forecast based on user inputs
Full Array of Valuations
Automated calculations on 6 different valuation methods
Adaptive for Intelligent Adjustments
Fully customizable variables and inputs for financial models 
Extremely Intuitive Feel
Smooth user experience, with easy instructional material






What if I am not satisfied with the tool, can I get my money back?
Yes, you may refund the product for any reason at all in the first 30 days. Email [email protected].
How do I use the IFB Equity Model exactly?
The IFB Equity Model is an Excel spreadsheet file with pre-programmed formulas and automated calculations for 6 different valuation methods, and up to 10 years of forecasted financials. Input the historical metrics from the financial statements of any company, and then navigate the Excel tabs to view and edit each model, forecasts, and calculation, with an ending overall average valuation.
Feedback on Using the IFB Equity Model for Fundamental Analysis

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Learn How a Single Tool Brings Efficiency and Simplicity to the Modeling Process


Financial modeling and forecasting can come with an assortment of problems and headaches. Each valuation model can mean its own spreadsheet, with redundant and repetitive calculations over many files. That can become hard to manage over time.

Instead, a modeling tool should incorporate data from all 3 financial statements into a seamless experience, with multiple forecasts and valuation estimates effortlessly updating with each keystroke. That's exactly what IFB Equity Models does.


Download a Treasure Trove of Calculations and Formulas
Quickly view the results of 6 automatically calculated valuation models from user inputted financial data, with quick access between Excel tabs for monitoring and updating.
Only the right models.

Your complete solution.

Consolidate the CHAOS of every model, formula, dataset, and calculation into a single, centralized file.
Power all of your forecasting and data processing needs with organized and convenient sourcing. Input company financials just once; drive every model thereafter.